The Smith Family 2023 Winter Appeal

The winter (tax) campaign is The Smith Family’s biggest cash appeal of the year, especially for higher-value donations.

For winter 2023 TSF wanted a strong, rational concept to emphasise the disproportionate and unfair impact of the rising cost of living on the education – and future prospects – of children experiencing disadvantage.

‘It doesn’t add up’ was the creative theme developed for this appeal, inspired by the case study’s love of maths – and by the sheer injustice of a situation where a smart, determined child with a supportive family (in an affluent country with a great education system) is being prevented from achieving their best at school because of poverty.

This fully integrated appeal encompassed press and out-of-home advertising, direct mail with additional collateral for high-value donors, and digital marketing.

The Smith Family
Concept Development
Art Direction
Key Visuals & Retouching
Graphic Design
Web Design
EDM Design
Digital Advertising

The creative partnership between Change&Co and Tone has made an enormous impact on our ability to ensure consistency in market for our appeals, and to strategically leverage content across all channels. Their individual skills are first rate, and the two teams work incredibly well together to deliver outstanding creative ideas that translate effectively to a range of mediums in a truly innovative way.

  • Tone Studio Pty Ltd provides

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  • that want to do good.

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